A review by offinherownmind
The Perfect Date by Evelyn Lozada, Holly Lorincz


I was so excited to have won an ARC in a giveaway.
However, I was highly disappointed in this novel. This was not a cute romance at all. There was hardly any romance. There was no spark between the two characters except maybe sexually. It all felt a bit rushed, yet pointless. Only the last two chapters really had substance to them.
The writing was low grade and at times it was confusing as to who was speaking. It almost felt like the author was trying to hard and falling flat because of it.
I had three main problems with this book that did not have to do with how terrible Angel and Duke acted.
1. The author must have major problems with men because not a single male character in this novel was not an asshole. Every single adult male was rude almost all the time. This just is not realistic. Yes men can be jerks, but that's not all that there is to them.
2. This one annoyed me greatly because it makes women look shallow. Every single female character that came into contact with Duke or any other "muscular" guys would immediately fangirl and basically drool over the muscles the guys would pop. What the heck. I can think of maybe one or two female that would actually do this. Muscles are everything.
3. So Many Times did Angel think that all college students did not give a damn about their classes and couldn't wait just to go on social media. She felt as if she was the only college student that ever had to work, had to study, and had to raise a young child. Well nope I'm sorry this immediately pissed me off because I know so many people in college that have two jobs, have young children on top of studying. Not all college students only go on social media, go to parties and say the hell with studying.
Another thing that bothered me was the epilogue. There is no way that in under a year all of that could have happened.
So I don't really feel like a book should be judged based on a character not being a good person. However, it did bother me that it took the whole book for Angel to finally begin to see that she wasn't alone. She acted like the whole world was out to get her when in reality there was so many characters who were willing to help her in someway. She'd get so pissed off. Honestly to summarize Angel. Angel was an angry person. That's about it.

So what did I like in this book enough to give it two stars??
The representation of a single mother trying to get a degree while supporting her child and herself.
And the representation of her child having asthma.