A review by jagussow
Spider-Man: One More Day by J. Michael Straczynski

Once again I am at a loss of how to review this. I've known the gist of this book since it came out but I was an Ultimate reader and didn't read this series. And I didn't really think about it or care when told. Mainly because this wasn't my Spidey. With my reading of ASM, it now is. This is also the end of my reading of J. Michael Straczynski's run which overall was fantastic and I can't help but wonder if he left due to editorial interference. Which is to say, his last block of issues was related to Civil War tie-ins and the fallout of that. And his actual last story may not have been his idea - based on Stan Lee's afterward, the decision to split up Peter and MJ was from the Marvel Editor in Chief, Joe Quesada. So, was JMS still writing what he wanted or was he writing scripts based on what Marvel wanted.

The story is mostly good. It follows the bleakness of Back in Black as Peter wrestles with the consequences of going public with his identity and with Aunt May near death. He confronts Iron Man; seeks magical help from Doctor Strange and finally the Devil shows up and offers Peter a deal. He will save Peter's aunt in exchange for his marriage. Peter accepts the deal and that's where the controversy lies. Most people don't think Peter would make a deal with the devil and even more hated breaking up MJ and Peter.

And ultimately where the main difficulty of long standing series lies too. In order to tell more stories, you need change or so Stan Lee says. But why not kill Aunt May? Or stay married and have a kid? That changes the superhero dynamic. Or if you don't want them together, why not divorce? The answer seems to be that that's too dark for comics but a deal with the devil isn't? And while not divorced, MJ and Peter were separated when JMS took the reins.

And that's where Marvel wanted them again. No more MJ and Peter. And ultimately therein lies the rub. The devil is in the details. JMS pushes Peter to a breaking point and he breaks. I don't like it but it is plausible. I also like Peter and MJ together but also agree with Lee's comments about needing to stay fresh and keep telling stories. Well, maybe not the fresh thing. A superhero can be married and you can tell plenty of stories.

I wish there was more room in comics for a series like Life Story. Come in, take the mythology you want and tell your own limited series. Maybe Peter is single here, or dating Carlie Cooper or married to Johnny Storm. With every ongoing you eventually run into a need to revitalize it. Sometimes fresh takes, like are House of X /Powers of X happen. Other times, we veer into jump the shark territory, like Superior Spider-man (which I enjoyed but had very over the top beginnings).