A review by bethreadsandnaps
Cue the Sun!: The Invention of Reality TV by Emily Nussbaum


4.5 stars

Emily Nussbaum interviewed HUNDREDS of people involved with reality TV and had to have watched countless hours of reality TV for this book (talk about a good pandemic project!). The book starts out with the origins of reality TV (the 1940s!) and works its way toward the present. 

As I was reading, I was prompted to go down Youtube and Google rabbit holes. I love a book that urges me to seek out more information. I had never heard of the 1970s PBS reality show An American Family, so I had no idea of how it laid the groundwork for future shows. 

One thing I had hoped this book had addressed more was the big push reality stars are making to have better working conditions/unionize. This was alluded to a bit, but I thought the Love Is Blind controversies would have propelled that current state of affairs to be discussed in its own chapter. 

Great information and put together very well!