A review by grapestakes
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas


Not only is this book of the most tangible explorations of the black lives matter movement I've read (and should be required reading for anyone hoping to engage with or learn more about policing - and it's continued failures - in America today), but it is also a near perfect piece of YA. While dealing with a huge topic, not once does it talk down to its audience. It is a lovely portrait of typical teenage friendship, high school, and family life. One of my biggest issues with YA is that the characters are often insufferable, one-dimensional, or far over blown, but Starr etc are overwhelmingly likeable while still being complicated and surprisingly realistic. I never found myself wondering "teenaged can't really talk like that... can they?" I laughed, I cried, I got angry, AND I learned a lot about Tumblr.