A review by nataliamachado
The Name of Death by Klester Cavalcanti



I haven’t read or listened to this in Portuguese, but I don’t think that this translated very well. It was made even worse by having a non-Brasilian narrate the book. The mispronunciation of names, and what sounded more like a Spanish accent during the dialogue, threw me off even more!
It’s an intriguing story, really graphic and horrific at times, but I couldn’t get past these technicalities. It was fascinating to see the “human” side of a hit man and what may have driven him to this line of work, but every now and then, it felt like the author was trying to have you sympathize with him. Not sure if that’s something that was messed with the translation or not, but I’m not about to feel sorry for a guy who killed almost 500 people for $.