A review by mrsjkamp
Lucid by P.T. Michelle


See full review here!

I received an ebook copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 stars

I almost felt like this was two different books. There's the beginning while Ethan is gone, which is totally unfortunate because I love Ethan and Nara. This is where she meets some new characters like Drystan and Harper. I was never sure how to feel about Drystan, and something told me not to trust Harper even though she was really sweet. But I liked Drystan anyway, and I hope he sticks around. He helps Nara, and he kind of mixes up the pot. I like it.

Then there's where Ethan comes back. I can't say much because that's like the last 20% of the book, so that's where all the stuff goes down. And this is part of the reason why this isn't a four star book. Unfortunately I can't say much without being spoilery, and I'm not about to do that to anyone. I'm just kind of over the raven stuff now.

Another reason why this isn't four stars: some of it is predictable. Too predictable. I totally saw some stuff coming. Said stuff was fine, but I don't like when I see it coming. Not everything was predictable, of course. The end is REALLY intriguing. I'd like to see where it goes in the next book, which I'll definitely be reading. I just hope it's better edited than this one. There were some editing boo-boos in the ebook.

Let's focus on some positive stuff. I wasn't sure about Drystan at first, but I almost like him more than Ethan. I know, I know. I felt bad even typing that. I haven't said it out loud. But I'm just not sure about Ethan anymore. You'll have to read this in order to see what I mean. I'd like to know if anyone got that feeling too. But I loved Lainey in this one. She was almost off her rocker, but she made up for it in the end, big time!

Overall, I enjoyed this one. I read it pretty quickly. I got up early this morning and couldn't help reading it some more since I was so close to being done. Like I said above, I was getting tired of the raven stuff, but the end really got me. I hope to find out more about what happened to Nara!