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A review by bookswithdes
Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
Reread, 5 stars again. I’m so happy Juliette is finally learning the truth behind every one of Warner's actions. He’s not the monster she made him out to be, he cares more than she expects, and simply he doesn’t care how others perceive his actions. Not only that but Juliette has come SUCH a long way. Like in the first book, there were so many strike throughs, a lot of repetition, numbers written in numerical form, and so much hyperbolic language. But in this one, all of that is gone. And it shows how much she’s gone through and how much stronger she got physically and mentally. Like she’s not a shy, timid girl anymore, she’s angry and wants justice, and she’s not afraid to get it. Seriously, Juliette girlbossed and didn’t let anyone bring her down, like the dirty rat aka Adam. If you still like Adam before starting this book, I will GUARANTEE that you will ABSOLUTELY hate him in this book. Seriously, the first time I read this, it was the biggest betrayal ever. Not only that, but after he says the dreaded statement, he’s an asshole to KENJI TOO. Like, hell no. Kenji is off limits. But good things did happen because he was an asshole. One, Juliette reached her full potential after dropping his dead weight. Two, Juliette realized the evolution of her powers and she let her heart guide her decisions. And three, Warner was able to be happy. Now back to Warner. It was so sad and nice to see his vulnerabilities and learn about his past and feelings. Like his birthday presents 😭. The information about his mom 😢. He was hurting every time Juliette unintentionally played with his emotions. BUT, we also got the iconic, LYHFML scene 🤭. We learned what I.G.N.I.T.E. means. And then of course, we got to see Juliette and Warner be happy together. This was a perfect ending to the original trilogy. All of the scenes hit. Juliette and Warner. Juliette being a badass. Juliette and Kenji’s friendship. Just Kenji himself. Warner interacting with James. Perfection 😘🤌.
Favorite quotes/scenes:
“I am going to kill your father, and I’m going to destroy the Reestablishment.”
He’s still smiling.
“I will.”
“I know.”
“Then why are you laughing at me?”
“I’m not. I’m only wondering if you would like my help.”
“Don’t ask me questions you already know the answer to. Twice I’ve laid myself bare to you and all it’s gotten me was a bullet wound and a broken heart. Don’t torture me. It’s a cruel thing to do, even to someone like me.” 😭
“You chose him because he’s kind to you? Because he offered you basic charity?”
“It’s not charity. He cares about me—and I care about him!”
“You should get a dog, love. I hear they share much the same qualities.” (Iconic 🤭👏)
“You’re a coward. You want to be with me and it terrifies you. And you’re ashamed. Ashamed you could ever want someone like me. Aren’t you? You want me, and it’s killing you.”
“You deserve so much more than charity. You deserve to live. You deserve to be alive. Come back to life, love. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Don’t whatever me—” (Kenji)
“Oh my god. I think this girl wants to get her ass kicked.” (Kenji)
“You couldn’t kick my ass if I had ten of them.”
“Is that a challenge?” (Kenji)
“It’s a warning.”
“Ohhhhhh, so you’re threatening me now? Little crybaby knows how to make threats now?” (Kenji)
“Shut up, Kenji.”
“Shut up, Kenji”
“I am no longer afraid of fear, and I will not let it rule me. Fear will learn to fear me.”
“Do you ever get exhausted being so wholly unbearable? You have as much charisma as the rotting innards of unidentified roadkill.” (Warner)
I hear an abrupt wheezing noise and turn toward the sound.
“I’m sorry. This is not a funny moment. It’s not. I’m not laughing.” (Kenji)
“I like the way I feel about myself when I’m with him. Warner thinks I’m strong and smart and capable and he actually values my opinion. He makes me feel like his equal—like I can accomplish just as much as he can, and more. And if I do something incredible, he’s not even surprised. He <i>expects</i> it. He doesn’t treat me like I’m some fragile little girl who needs to be protected all the time.”
“JULIETTE—Juliette—God are you okay? What happened? Are you all right?”
He’s here.
“I’m not trying to fix you; I don’t think you need to be fixed. I’m not trying to turn you into someone else. I only want you to be who you really are. Because I think I know the real you. I think I’ve seen him. I don’t care what anyone else says about you. I think you’re a good person.” (Juliette)
“I don’t want you to be repulsed by me.” (Warner)
“You’re not serious.” (Juliette)
His eyes say that he is.
“Have you ever looked in a mirror?” (Juliette)
“Excuse me?” (Warner)
“You’re perfect. All of you. Your entire body. Proportionally. Symmetrically. You’re absurdly, mathematically perfect. It doesn’t even make sense that a person could look like you.” (Juliette)
“It’s weird, isn’t it?” (Kenji)
“What is?” (Juliette)
“If we were naked right now, I’d be dead.” (Kenji)
“Shut up.” (Juliette)
“Well, it’s true.” (Kenji)
“In what alternate universe would I ever be naked with you?” (Juliette)
“I am just saying. Shit happens. You never know.” (Kenji)
“I think you need a girlfriend.” (Juliette)
“Nah. I just need a hug. From my friend.” (Kenji)
“Nah. I just need a hug. From my friend.” (Kenji)
“So this gets you going, huh?” (Kenji)
“I’ve never seen him in sweatpants before. I’ve never even seen him in shorts.” (Juliette)
“I bet you’ve seen him in less.” (Kenji)
“You’re not attracted to him?” (Warner)
“I’m attracted to you.” (Juliette)
“I’m serious.” (Warner)
“So am I. Don’t you believe me? Can’t you tell? Can’t you feel it?” (Juliette)
And I’m either losing my mind or Warner just blushed.
“I can feel her presence. Hers, most of all.” (Warner)
“Really? That’s some weird shit. What do I feel like? Peanut butter?” (Kenji)
Warner is unamused.
“J, I think you should switch spots with me.” (Kenji)
“I think your boyfriend is touching my leg.” (Kenji)
“You flatter yourself.” (Warner)
“Switch spots with me, J. He’s making me feel all goosebumpy and shit, like maybe he’s about to knife me.” (Kenji)
“I will be unapologetic. I will live with no regrets. I will reach into the earth and rip out the injustice and I will crush it in my bare hands. I want Anderson to fear me and I want him to beg for mercy and I want to say no, not for you. Never for you. And I don’t care if that’s not nice enough.”
“You’re right. You’ve always been right.”
“Right about what?”
“I do want you. I want you so much it scares me.”
“I do want you. I want you so much it scares me.”
“I love you. I love you exactly as you are.”
“Lift your hips for me, love.”
“It’s okay, love. Don’t be embarrassed.”
“It’s too bright in here. Turn the lights off.”
He laughs out loud. Yanks the covers off the bed.
“You are perfect. Every inch of you. Perfect. Don’t hide from me.”
“Thank you. For being my friend.”
“Thank you. For being my friend.”
“I will always be here if you need me. Please remember that. Always remember that.”
“Is this really happening.?” (Warner)
“What?” (Juliette)
“You feel so real. You sound so real. I want so badly for this to be real.” (Warner)
“You feel so real. You sound so real. I want so badly for this to be real.” (Warner)
“This is real. And things are going to get better. Things are going to get so much better. I promise.” (Juliette)
“The scariest part is that for the first time in my life, I actually believe that.” (Warner)
“Good.” (Juliette)
“Everything looks so different to me now. You brought me back to life. I have never known this kind of peace. Never known this kind of comfort. And sometimes I am afraid that my love will terrify you.” 😭😭
“It’s the only way I know how to exist. In a world where there is so much to grieve and so little good to take? I grieve nothing. I take everything. Ignite, my love. Ignite.”
“I want you to know how much I value your friendship. But I’d like you to reconsider my title. Because my friendship comes with so many more benefits than Kenji could ever offer. Don’t you think?” (He’s so hot 😞)
“You know the whole world will be coming for us now.” (Warner)
“I can’t want to watch them try.” (Juliette)