A review by readingadventures
The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis


What the effing eff was that even? I AM FLOORED, and delighted!

This book is an incredible blend of coming-of-age, teen violence, and loveable amazing characters I want to hug and smooch and just love forever! It is dark, uncomfortable, and even disappointing in a way that doesn't really damage the way I feel about this book, because it is a disappointment that makes sense
also because apparently I can never have nice things and having Alex and Jack be happy forever was just wishful thinking...
. It is also deliciously addicting!

Why this book was so great:

- Finally I group of characters I can love!
I admit it. I’ve been having trouble connecting with the characters in the books I read. I can’t help it. I like the characters but I don’t connect with them enough for them to have a lasting impact… Yet, The Female of the Species finally managed to crack my cold dead heart with some pretty great characters.
Peekay, Alex and Jack are the main three. They are the three people whose voices we hear, whose minds we know. These people are relatable, kind, imperfect. They compelled me until I had no other choice but to love them, and that is exactly what I did.
Some more about Alex: She is who I would call the main main character of the story, and although I was a little bit turned off by the people around her talking about how “unique” and “mysterious” she was… I won’t lie, she was a charming character that I couldn’t hate…not even as a joke. Her friendship with Peekay and relationship with Jack just highlighted how kind she was and how much confusion and pain she felt.

Other great compelling characters include: Park, Branley, Sara.
I also love that both Jack’s parent and Peekay’s parents are supportive and attentive to their children. But even more so, I love that religion is finally depicted with respect and not despised in a YA contemporary book. Because as much as I love my favs when they touch the topic of religion I often get …salty…

- There are cats and dogs in this story and they will melt your heart every chance they get! (HOWEVER! There are also some pretty graphic depictions of violence towards animals so BEWARE)

- The story deals very seriously with rape, sexual assault, slut-shaming, sexism, and mental health. These topics are handled how they should be handled, but just be careful if you’re a triggered by any of these themes.

- Listen! I love teen violence and with this one is no different. There is blood, pain and even more blood. But this one also has the weight that comes with the teen violence, and in this particular case, it works.

I have no words to thank the author for this precious gem of a book so…