A review by bibliophile90
Veiled by Karina Halle



4.5 stars!

"You're more beautiful than this earth can handle. You belong in the stars, not here. You're walking stardust and I'm amazed I can hold you in my arms."

I am a huge fan of Karina Halle's writing/books. She has written books in multiple genres and hit them all out of the park. I don't think there is a genre that she couldn't write. I have read her historical post-apocolyptic zombie, suspense, contemporary romance books and now I can add UF/PNR to the list.

"You are off-limits. You are forbidden to me. And all it does is make me want you more."

Veiled is not your typical UF/PNR book. I have read hundreds of PNR/UF books and the last year or two I had a very difficult time in finding any book in this genre that intrigued me. But the moment I started Veiled I just know it would be an awesome read. It was very refreshing and unique, nothing like what I have ever read before. The best way to explain this book is that it's a mix of paranormal, Urban Fantasy, and horror with romance thrown into it. None of the genres overpowered the other. It was perfect!

"We're just at the beginning. This is just the start of what we are together, who we are to each other deep inside."

The main character Ada is eighteen years old but she was no immature new adult. She was pretty strong and independent. I really enjoyed her character a lot. The same goes for Jay, who had alpha elements to him but was also very caring and awesome. Even though this book can be read as a stand-alone, I predict that there will be more books for Ada and Jay because there story is not over yet. Karina can go so many direction with this book, and I am hoping that this is not the last we will see of them.

EIT series had been on my TBR list for a long while now, but I put off reading it because of the length of the series. But I think I will start it because I love all the characters and the the world created by the author. I recommend this book to everyone! Because even if you never read a PNR/UF book, you should at least try it once in your life, because who know maybe you'll end up loving it!