A review by ravensandlace
Too Late by Colleen Hoover


Domestic abuse, rape and violence (murder) trigger warning.

You know the books that stay with you long after you read them? The ones that you could have read years ago but every so often, they creep up to the forefront of your mind. This is a book that is going to stay with me for a very long time.

This book has 3 different POV's, each written in first person. There is Sloan, who is trapped in a relationship with a very dangerous individual. She has no real way of getting out without consequences. She has to think of her brother, who has special needs. If she was to leave Asa, her brother and herself would be homeless. That isn't an option for her so she chooses to stay, even though she is risking her life.

There is Asa, who is incredibly dangerous. He is also so in love with Sloan; it's on the verge of obsession. It was really interesting to read his point of view. He does everything for her and thinks he is amazing in everyway but in all honest, he is a horrible excuse for a person. He doesn't seem to understand that his actions are going to be his downfall.
You can tell that he has a major mental illness, which explains a lot of his behaviors.

Then there is Carter. He turns Sloan's and Asa's world upside down. And all he wants to do is save Sloan. He sees the bad in Asa and what he is doing to her. He will do anything to protect a girl he barely knows. I can't really say much about him because it would just spoil the entire book. He is a big part of the plot.

This is my first Colleen Hoover story and I am hooked. I loved this story. I loved that each chapter was a different person and in first person. Makes the story more personal. You get to see a first hand look into domestic violence along with mental health issues. Let me just say that domestic abuse is a very scary thing and it should not be taken lightly. Some women (and men) simply cannot leave their abuser. We should never judge someone that can't leave their abuser for whatever reason. All we can do is help them in every way possible.

I am just struggling for words right now. This book ate me up and spit me out. I thought that after a couple days I would be able to compose an eloquent review but I can't. You will just have to read this book in order to understand my feels. Because right now, my feels have taken my words.

I'm just going to crawl into a hole now...