A review by careless
Quantum: Einstein, Bohr, and the Great Debate about the Nature of Reality by Manjit Kumar


Fascinating story of the development of and controversies of quantum physics. Nicely grounded in the scientific and political context, and it's always fun to hear about scientists bitching at each other (and salacious details of their personal lives; I'm looking at you, Schrödinger.)

Also, great diagrams, and beautiful explanation of the Actual Science. A number of the things I learned during the quantum physics module of my A-level suddenly made much more sense. Only 13 years too late. :D

Extremely dense, though, and could have done with some pruning. It felt a bit like every single detail of every single incident was being included (and quoted), which occasionally made it difficult to follow. Digressions into mostly relevant stories weren't introduced clearly, so I got terribly confused in one section which tripped into the future for Einstein's and then Bohr's death without really explaining the context (that they respected and admired each other, regardless of their scientific differences).

However, definitely worth the read. I'll be scouring the bibliography for interesting directions to go.

PS not enough cats in boxes. LMFTFY.

Maru in box.