A review by mrsbabykins
Discover Her Art: Women Artists and Their Masterpieces by Lisa LaBanca Rogers, Lisa LaBanca Rogers, Jean Leibowitz, Jean Leibowitz


Art books hold a very special place in my heart, as someone who has been an avid art history buff since 6th grade, and holds BA in Art and Art History. This book does not disappoint. A wide range of artists and styles are represented. Where the text shines is in the accessible, informative, and interesting way that it asks the reader to examine the art. Each chapter explores composition and design elements which do an excellent job at teaching the young reader about important art terms and concepts. And if that wasn't enough, the history of each artist is well-researched and provides vivid context about each artist's life and the time period in which they lived. Activities at the end of the book provide a jumping-off point for budding artists. There is a lot going on in this book, but it isn't overwhelming. It is well-organized and clear. I just wish that I had this book as a child, but I'll settle for buying it for my daughter. A must-purchase for most library collections.

Pub date 2-22-22
Chicago Review Press

Thank you to Edelweiss+ for this digital review copy.