A review by solaceinprose
Prey by Rachel Vincent


I've reviewed all the other books, so it would only be prudent of me to review this one. I have to say that I liked this book much better than the other three. I don't know if it was because of the lack of Faythe/Marc, or what, but I felt that Vincent's writing really shines in 'Prey'. I know this series isn't classified as romance, but I found that when Vincent stepped away from the romance aspect of her books, they're much better. Yes, we have to deal with Faythe being 'Marc Marc Marc Marc Marc' for majority of the book, but I could get past that. I really thought it was interesting to see how far the other Prides would go to get control of the North American counsil. It wasn't too action packed, but there was plenty of action to go around. The dynamics between Prides has shifted considerably, and I like how although somethings are cleaned up, others become more complicated. Faythe, herself, shines in this book, and you can see her transform into the petulant little girl in the first book to would be Alpha. This is the Faythe that I want to stand behind and root for, so thank you, Vincent, for finally giving me that.

Ethan's death? Totally took me by surprise, and I will admit that I sniffled heavily over that, especially the scene between Jace and Faythe in the guesthouse. Vincent does a really great job of describing the anguish of her characters, especially her male characters. Of course, I'm not entirely down with the whole contrived love triangle trope in novels, but I love Jace, so I'm rooting for him.

All in all, after struggling through this series, I feel Vincent finally found her groove, and I can't wait to see what happens next. However, if Papa Sanders dies in this series, I will never forgive Vincent and write this series off as a huge waste of time.