A review by jazmin
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead


“The greatest and most powerful revolutions often start very quietly, hidden in the shadows. Remember that.”

Okay so I never wrote a review for this book when I read it for the first time, so let’s try to write one now.

The Writing
First, I think that when you read this book, it’s very obviously the “older” style of YA paranormal/fantasy. As in published before 2013 ish. Not sure if this is a thing that people have noticed, but as the popularity of different book tropes and writing styles continuously changes, authors accommodate that. Therefore, things like love triangles and the I’m not like other girls trope that are no longer in style can be found in books like this series that were popular a few years ago… if that makes sense.

(Some examples would be the Lux series, the Covenant series, and the Fallen series. They focus a lot on the characters and they sort of have a new conflict in each book, as well as one main one.)

Anyway, of course, that doesn’t mean that this book wasn’t good, because just like last time it was very entertaining. It was just a bit of a change from some of the more recently-published fantasy I’ve been reading that focuses so much more on world-building and the plot.

Rose and Dimitri
Honestly at this point these two are just iconic. They’re not my favourite characters in the Vampire Academy world and I prefer Sydney and Adrian’s books, but a solid couple nonetheless. Although I do have to say that the fact that Rose hadn’t turned 18 yet in this book disturbed me.

“If I let myself love you, I won't throw myself in front of her. I'll throw myself in front of you.”

The Plot
This book was definitely only a small introduction into this world, and a lot more’s to come, so I can’t wait to continue with my reread!