A review by cheekylaydee
The Worst Witch to the Rescue by Jill Murphy


I've got to the age of 28 and it would appear I'm regressing in my reading habits. With The Worst Witch series of books I just couldn't resist. I remember them as favourites from my childhood.
No offence to the author they are never going to be literary masterpieces but that was not was I was looking for when I went back to these old friends. I often will go back to children's books when I'm looking for some light relief or something bright and breezy when I feel a bit bogged down from heavy reading and these fit the bill perfectly.
Not only do they bring swells of nostalgia over me but they're fun, humourous, imaginative and you genuinely feel for the characters. Mildred Hubble is hapless. She's clumsy, she's disaster prone and something is always bound to go wrong but as a reader you love her! Ethel Hallow the teacher's pet who always seems to be good at everything as well as being a bully who has it in for Mildred, is typical of those girls in school that you never liked because of thier superior attitude.
So there you have the ideal ingredients for adventure. Mildered is always bound to get into trouble, usually made worse by some sneaky action of Ethel's. Miss Hardbroom the stern form tutor never seems to be happy with anything Mildered does but by the end of the book Mildered has redeemed herself of any disasterous actions because of her good intentions.
But most importatly of all Mildred always survives another day despite having a battle to prove herself in the eyes of her form tutor, her headmistress, and sometimes even her most loyal friends. These are not literary classics. But they are children's classics. And this big kid wouldn't be without them!