A review by kazza27
I Looked Away by Jane Corry


Thank you to Ellie Hudson at Penguin Books for the invitation to be part of the tour and for my gifted copy of the book in return for a fair and honest review.

I have read all of Jane's book and I have also been lucky enough to host author events with her at the library that I work at.

Jane's writing is captivating and as soon as I pick up one of her books I know that I will not want to put it down

I Looked Away is no exception.

The book begins with a really shocker and I knew from the end of the prologue I was going to be hooked. Jane writes really strong characters and I really enjoyed the unravelling the lifes of Ellie and Jo the two main characters in the book as their stories develop.

Although, there were bits of Jo and Ellie's stories that made me very sad, as they both go through so much.

The book has a real tension about it as both the characters have awful backgrounds.

There are also some truly awful characters in the book but I will let you discover those for yourselves. I don't want to spoil the plot.

As I am from the South West I feel very at home reading Jane's books with there descriptions of familiar places such as Boscastle and The Lizard.

This is another fast paced, gritty story which looks at homelessness, mental health and bereavement written in an empathetic manner.

If you like a suspenseful, high tension thriller with a clever killer twist, you will love this book.

Thank you Jane for another fantastic read.