A review by lindsayaries
The Hourglass Throne by K.D. Edwards


Now, are you listening? I hope so. This was the best book in the series so far. The author gives their audience so much credit. K.D. Edwards trusts us enough to keep secrets. He trusts us to survive great loss and worse betrayal. That trust is rewarded over and over with incredible highs for characters you have no doubt come to adore and visceral lows that leave you feeling an ache deep in your soul.

I'm so lucky to have a group of friends all journeying through this saga together. There are so many possibilities and so many books yet to be released. The theories are endless. The questions, infinite. There is not a single type of reader, especially sci-fi/fantasy, that I would not recommend this series to. If you haven't started it yet, I envy your adventure. I would use the major to experience it for the first time again.