A review by salam_
Wonder by R.J. Palacio


Before: I wrote notes to record every thought I had while reading this book and to prepare them for the Scarlet book club discussion. I will delay writing a review until the discussion. One thing I will say is that reading this book was a WONDERful experience!


I want to mention first that rating this book was the hardest decision ever. I am still doubting my rating and I changed it twice already. It's an absolutely perfect book, I have no issues with it whatsoever but It was not THE BOOK so I couldn't give it 5 stars.

One thing that Nicholas Sparks said in a review of this book is "The pages almost turn themselves". I find that very accurate!

Alright My Review: I'll just copy everything I wrote in the notes I made after filtering 'em. here we go:-

(1)I love how in the book they describe Auggie's ability to read body language & to know or feel people's reactions even without directly meeting their eyes. I think people with special needs or those who suffer severe visible deformities feel that way too, and no matter how how 'normal' people try to pretend everything is or try to look like they didn't notice, they always know.. no matter how nice you try to be, it's still there, and I think it hurts in an indirect way, in a way no one can control.. i think it's one of the most difficult things to live with.

I support August's mother decision in admitting him to a school, because sooner or later, he's gonna have to face the world, so it's better for him to earn to adapt to everything around him now instead of hiding behind his mother.

(2) VIA'S POINT OF VIEW. Well done!
We needed to hear from her. Usually characters like her are neglected by both the family and the author, so thank you Palacio for giving Via a voice.

(3) I was in the car on my way to Dubai when I read the part about
SpoilerDaisy's Death
and the note I wrote says: " Sad.. Sad.. Sad
I would've allowed myself to cry if I weren't in the car with 7 people around me. The story might be fiction but my tears aren't :'(
P.S: I did tear up eventually

Finale: SO SO SO beautiful.
Heart-warming in such a lovely way. Heart-warming is the perfect word to describe this book, If I am to choose only one word. It reminded me of why I read books. It's the FEELS, this zeal of emotion that completely washes over me after I finish a good book is the reason why I love reading.

Last bit: I was wondering about Julian's perspective when my friend told me about the two sequels for Wonder and one of them is "Julian's chapter" so no more wondering.. there I will find my answer :D