A review by thathannah
The Bad Mother's Holiday by Suzy K. Quinn


I'm not sure where to start. I did not like this book at all. In fact I had to skim through a lot otherwise I would not be able to finish. It came as a surprise because of the good reviews that I had read. I will say that I did not read any of the other books. This one was a free kindle book so I decided to give it a shot but not having read any backstory might have contributed to my dislike of the book.

I'll try not to go to in depth so I won't spoil anything. There wasn't really anything that I liked in this book. The characters were annoying, unrealistic, and one dimensional. There wasn't a single character that I enjoyed or thought was interesting, even the two year old Daisy. The plot dragged on with nothing really interesting happening. I didn't care about the relationship between Jules and Alex or the pregnancy. Normally I like quirky families but this one just didn't do it for me.

One of my main reasons that I did not like this book was the writing style. In other reviews I see it described as like a diary. I think this style is not for me. In the past I have read a couple of books that were similar and I did not like those either. If I had enjoyed the characters, the story, or anything else about this book I might have been able to look past the diary aspect. But I guess it is just not my thing. For me it comes across as wooden. It is a tell not show book and those are almost always not as good in my experience.

Overall it just wasn't for me.