A review by kerrireadsallthethings
The Anniversary by Stephanie Bishop


There was absolutely no reason for this self indulgent rambling mass to be released. I enjoy books with a lot of detail, good descriptions and a plot that doesn’t just state what’s going to happen. There was some merit to that but unfortunately, it was lost in pages and pages of repetitive nonsense. The repetitive nature of the story did not allude to mental illness or racing thoughts, or anything the author seemed to think. It took away from the story and made it unbearable. I’ve read reviews as well as criticisms saying the book is actually supposed to be about the writing process and it does definitely cover that however, why use 400+ pages to say what could be easily covered in 200 without losing anything… it felt very much like an attempt to be a modern day Beckett but was totally off putting. The story would have been good and interesting but the pages and pages of ridiculous descriptions and ramblings made it painful.