A review by shutupnread
Dragon Redeemer by Amy Bearce


Link: https://holedupinabook.blogspot.com/2017/06/world-of-aluvia-series-by-amy-bearce.html

What a cute series! I absolutely adored everything about these books from the characters to the plot to the writing style.

The first book, Fairy Keeper, is basically an introduction book about the world of Aluvia. I liked how the world wasn’t super complex to the point that there are a lot of unanswered questions and a lot of facts being thrown at you. Aluvia is basically a world where magic and magical creatures still resides and some relatively evil humans are using fairies for their own personal gain by stealing all the nectar produced and using them to create poisons and elixirs to further gain personal wealth and means. The first book followed along Sierra, who is a Fairy Keeper, which means that somehow she draws fairies to her and becomes bonded to a fairy queen and is able to essentially control and take care of the fairies in her care. I thought Sierra was a great character because I enjoyed seeing her mature and develop to a wiser figure. Another great quality of hers was her loyalty and her love for her sister – those were traits you simply can’t deny her. The other characters were introduced like Nell, Corbin, Micah, Phoebe, etc. who will also play major roles in the future books.

In the second book, Mer-Charmer, you follow Phoebe’s adventures. The book takes place a few years later when peace and magic is now more readily available in Aluvia. Honestly, I think I liked Phoebe’s adventures the most out of all three of the books. Mainly because I thought there were a lot more adventure and interesting creatures in this one. I mean, the first book obviously had its fair share of obstacles but Mer-Charmer just seemed more intense with the mystical creature of the deep sea and whatnot. The one thing I liked more about the first book than this one was the relationship with Micah and Sierra as opposed to Phoebe and Tristan. For some reason, Micah and Sierra’s relationship seemed more natural whereas Phoebe and Tristan was a little more awkward. They were still cute but maybe because they were younger so the relationship didn’t seem as mature? Not entirely sure what the reason was.

For the third book, Dragon Redeemer, it delved into Nell’s story. In the first book something happened to Nell which propelled her from a regular warrior to someone who had a magical side of things. She wasn’t really discussed in the second book so I was glad to see her have her own story in this last book. Out of the three main characters, Sierra, Phoebe and Nell, I liked Nell best. I thought she had the most character and I was able to relate to her most because I can see myself in her a lot of the times. I would say that I was a little disappointed in the dragons’ role in this book because I totally thought Nell would become a dragon rider or something but that wasn’t the case. Apparently she became the rider to something much cooler but I don’t know…dragons are pretty cool in my book.

Anyways, overall I thoroughly enjoyed the series. I found almost everything (ah, dragons!) to be very delightful and I was able to read through the books very quickly. It’s definitely not a series where you spend a lot of time on which is awesome for me. I definitely recommend these books if you’re into fantasy and magic.