A review by ramonamead
The Mane Event by Shelly Laurenston


My biggest problem with this book is the formatting (reading on Kindle.) There's a double space between every paragraph. That made it impossible to tell when it switched to a new scene. It also made the reading go slower and interrupted the flow of the story. I am interested in reading more by this author but if I look at book 2 and it has the same spacing, I'm going to skip it, which is a huge bummer for both me and the author.

I'm not sure why this needed to be two stories in one book. Neither was particularly short. I liked that they tied together well, it made for a smooth transition into the second story.

As for the stories themselves, I thoroughly enjoyed them. The humor is fantastic and the sex scenes are hot. I appreciate that the author is obviously knowledgable about animals to get the personalities just right for each shifter. The writing isn't particularly strong, but I'm willing to overlook that for the great characters and fun stories.

I recommend this for readers of paranormal romance but hopefully you can get a different format.