A review by readwithkiekie
Ghosts of the Shadow Market by Cassandra Clare, Kelly Link, Robin Wasserman, Maureen Johnson, Sarah Rees Brennan


This was a pretty solid bind up of novellas and probably the strongest one in the Shadowhunter realm. I do think there’s too many writers collabing with Cassandra, some who I just don’t think work. Kelly Link and Sarah Rees Brennan just aren’t for me as writers.

Cast Long Shadows - 3 Stars
A great introduction to Matthew Fairchild but I didn’t like or dislike him. He came across as a bit dramatic for my liking.

Every Exquisite Thing - 4.5 Stars
I love Anna so much, I think they’re bad ass. However, her insta love moments are so tedious and a little pathetic.

Learn About Loss - 2 Stars
Great characters, I love Brother Zachariah and enjoyed Sister Emilia, but the mystery vibe in this novella was terrible.

A Deeper Love - 4 Stars
I enjoyed seeing Tessa and Jem again but honestly Catarina Loss stole it for me. We need more of her.

The Wicked Ones - 4 Stars
I enjoyed seeing the start of The Circle and I really felt for Celine but that girl is so naive and immature. She truly still wants a man who doesn’t want her and sees her as a child.

Son of the Dawn - 5 Stars
I loved every moment of this novella, well written and fast paced. Raphael, lily and Jem? Unexpected but I love it!

The Land I Lost - 4 Stars
This was about 30 pages too long but overall it was a solid novella. Alec and Rafe stole the show.

Through Blood, Through Fire - 4 Stars
Another good novella, I love seeing Tessa and Jem together.

The Lost World - 3 Stars
I honestly can’t lie, I don’t like Livvy. We didn’t get to know her enough in the Dark Artifices for her to make an appearance in here.

Forever Fallen - 3 Stars
So dragged out, I don’t like Janus and don’t understand who he is either. I only read for the Jem and Kit moments.