A review by myownbookshelves
This Time Is Different by Mae Wood


Mae Wood is quickly becoming a 'go-to' when thinking of an auto one-click author. Although I love consistent storytelling, I really appreciate when an author can give me original and entertaining all in one bite. This story is more than mature adults finding another chance at happily ever after. This is romance in real life. Characters with humor and smarts that you will find rooting for finding their perfect happy - which readers isn't book world happy but real world happy.

If you follow my reviews, you know I love (and prefer) a strong heroine. Amy delivers on all points. Young men sporting an eight pack worth of abs are drool worthy, but come on. I am a woman of a 'certain age' so YES I am all over that silver fox Thomas. But seriously it's not the romance or steamy - Ms Wood does deliver - it was how the characters navigated this world of blending families and blending past loves. You never empty that part of your heart and Mae Wood's characters give you that glimpse into finding a way to make it all work.

On the Fence: Okay I'm rather known as a Series Bully. I hate readers who series jump then complain in reviews about 'confusion' or 'lack of connection'. This book is set in the Pig & Barley universe. Do you have to read Plus One? No not really. But I really feel you will do a disservice if you skip to this. I think the background of Plus One is well worth the time to get understanding of Amy and Thomas' story connecting with Amy's past and present. In addition, I loved Plus One and think it remiss if I don't tell you to read it. ( my review here). But I can say this book could be read as a standalone < sentence typed under duress.

If you are not familiar with Mae Wood, she is a talented writer that brings original story ideas to romance. If you are looking for more mature characters, this story is for you. But for the love of my sanity, do read Plus One too. 5 out 5 stars.