A review by lmb1011
His & Hers by Alice Feeney


3.5 rounded down
TW: Animal Abuse, sexual abuse, drug abuse, alcoholism,

It was an extremely compelling mystery. Fast paced, with multiple plausible suspects. I love Feeneys writing style and I was incredibly engaged with the story.

But I didn’t like the ending. True, I was shocked - but not in a good way for me. It made enough sense but it wasn’t a good pay off. There is always an issue with a dramatic reveal/ending and in this case I think it was TOO dramatic. If i reread it maybe I can spot the hints but usually when I get to the reveal I have that moment where all the pieces click and I can see how I was misled the entire way. In this case I needed the killer to spell out their plans and motives for me to fully understand how it all happened. I don't feel I could've guessed it along the way and I didn't like that.

Overall though Feeney is a talented writer and its a compelling thriller. I do recommend it if you've enjoyed her other works as it's still a good story