A review by lasyuh
Point Omega by Don DeLillo


"You understand it's not a matter of strategy. I'm not talking about secrets or deceptions. I'm talking about being yourself. If you reveal everything, bare every feeling, ask for understanding, you lose something crucial to your sense of self. You need to know things the others don't know. It's what no one knows about you that allows you to know yourself." (p.83)

"She was her father's dream thing. He didn't seem baffled by her stunted response to his love. It was natural for him not to notice. I'm sure he understood the fact that she was not him." (p.71)

"She liked that. She told him she liked the idea of slowness in general. So many things go so fast, she said. We need time to lose interest in things." (p.135-136)

can't wait to reread this ,such a dissociative experience.