A review by skyhazzard
Haunted by Meg Cabot


This is like a fangirling mess, so read at your own caution

I don't know if this one or the next one was my favorite, I always say it's this one but I think it's a tie. We've finally got a real main antagonist and we're learning more about what Suze is, and the romance! The romance is happening, it's been slowly bubbling up but it's coming!

Book Status:
pg. 32: LOL really Suze, you think precious, adorable, innocent David's throwing a hot tub party
pg. 33: really love Suze/Brad confrontations
pg. 34: Woooo! Brad's pulling out all the stops! Who knew!
pg. 78: Jesse's like no one disrespects my lady, it's obvious he likes you in that way Suze
pg. 105: LOL ADAM
pg. 158: Jesse's tending to her nasty feet, that's love right there
pg. 164 again: Jesse swiped Suze a magazine, it's the little things <3
pg. 180: why do Suze and Jesse always get interrupted!!
pg. 191: Jesse breaking our hearts 3
pg. 222: Paul GTFO I'm serious
pg. 253: CeeCee!!
pg. 261: Squeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
pg. 263: MY HEART!!