A review by isabellarobinson7
Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson


First of all, I need to find fellow Skybreakers. I have found members of all other orders but my own. Where are you all??? Must I seek justice on my own?

Rating: 5 stars

WOAH!! Was 1500+ pages (yeesh) warranted? Don't know. But, hey I finished it. I do have to admit that my desire to pick up Rhythm of War was somewhat spurred by my desire to start (re)reading A Memory of Light, which I forbade myself to read at the same time ("forbade" seems like a dramatic word, but believe me, it is no exaggeration in this instance). Though I am not quite ready to admit that I prefer The Wheel of Time over Stormlight (AAAAHHHHH COULD I EVER?), when I have to choose between the epic finale of one series and the penultimate (in some ways) of another, is there really much of a contest?

That being said, I in no way hate The Stormlight Archive, or Rhythm of War. There were some some real stellar moments that induced rather animated reactions from me. "Journey before destination, you bastard." had me absolutely cackling with joy like a mad person (fortunately I was home at the time so no one saw me). I really loved how much Navani we got in this book, but was kind of disappointed with the lack of Renarin (I'm waiting for you, book 7) and Szeth (book 5 will be here soon!). The Kaladin stuff was very relatable to me personally, and at times particularly hard to read. The Parshendi stuff, as well as the Shallan and Adolin stuff, wasn't all boring (though Adolin fell down for me in this book quite a bit).

I accidentally was spoiled for a death early on (it's no spoiler that someone died, just who did). I dropped the book and it opened on a page that said (I kid you not): "[Character]. [Character] was dead." This has actually happened before with The Burning Maze in the exact same fashion. After all that time avoiding the preview chapters and social media, I drop the storming book and that's what ruins it. Why. Just why.

Anyway, while I'm not the hugest fan of The Stormlight Archive (actually considering changing all my ratings down to 4 stars