A review by ericbuscemi
Flood Tide by Clive Cussler


This is the second Dirk Pitt adventure I have read from Clive Cussler. The first, [b:Raise The Titanic!|41706|Raise The Titanic! (Dirk Pitt, #4)|Clive Cussler|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1309283097s/41706.jpg|81973], didn't impress me, but it intrigued me enough to pick up another offering from the author.

Well, after this, I doubt I'll pick up a third. Cussler's writing is downright bad, the plot of the story was so obvious I had it figured out hundreds of pages ahead of time, and the combination of invincibility, luck, wit, and charm of Dirk Pitt was laughable.

All in all it was just too much for me. The series of coincidences that took place, along with the number of deus ex machina moments made me grind my teeth. Reading this, I actually felt as if my intelligence were being insulted by Clive Cussler.