A review by booksforchristiangirls
A Promise in Pieces: Quilts of Love Series by Emily T. Wierenga


About this book:

“A baby quilt touches many hearts as it travels from family-to-family and through generations.
After the end of World War II, Clara Kirkpatrick returns from the Women’s Army Corp to deliver a dying soldier’s last wishes: convey his love to his young widow, Mattie, with apologies for the missed life they had planned to share.
Struggling with her own post-war trauma, Clara thinks she’s not prepared to handle the grief of this broken family. Yet upon meeting Mattie, and receiving a baby quilt that will never cuddle the soldier’s baby, Clara vows to honor the sacrifices that family made.
Now a labor and delivery nurse in her rural hometown, Clara wraps each new babe in the gifted quilt and later stitches the child’s name into the cloth. As each new child is welcomed by the quilt, Clara begins to wonder whatever happened to Mattie—and if her own life would ever experience the love of a newborn. Little does she know that she will have the opportunity to re-gift the special quilt—years later and carrying even greater significance than when it was first bestowed.”

Series: Quilts of Love” book #17 (does not have to be read in order)

Spiritual Content- Young Clara feels like she tired of the Bible but she does know scriptures (she’s a Pastor’s daughter); Older Clara has a strong Faith; Scriptures are quotes.

Negative Content- Minor cussing: 3 ‘darn’s; Champagne, & Gin drinking

Sexual Content- While telling her & Oliver’s story, on their wedding night, Clara says “we loved each other that night” and “that it’s not like the movies says it is”; no-detail kisses.

-Clara Flanagan

P.O.V. switches between Young Clara & Grandma Clara
Set in 200 (but switches back between 1943-1957 as well)
193 pages

Pre & New Teens-
Two stars

High School Teens-
Three Stars

My Personal Rating-
Two Stars (and a half)

I have mixed feelings about this book… I had an incredibly hard time getting into this story because it goes back-n-forth with First person & Third person. This was my first “Quilts of Love” book I’ve read (while reading I was snuggled under my quilt. :) )

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

*I received this book for free from the Publisher for this review.