A review by lauraspages
Book Lovers by Emily Henry


I love horror but the execution of this book is all over the place. Someone could easily make the mistake of buying this book for a child because of the number of pages, the two page chapters, the font size and the fact that the protagonist is 13 at the start. Yet the content is extremely dark (a teenager is coerced by threatening letters from an anonymous murderer who turns out to also be a habitual child sex offender…)

The grisly and torturous subject matter doesn’t match the massive font and lack of vocabulary that would challenge anyone with a reading age of 10+ but I decided to read it anyway because it was short & I had it for Christmas. I hate to be scathing but the book has typos and what looks like unintentional homophone spelling errors. In a 118 page book those things are less easy to overlook than a lack of character development and a choppy story.