A review by emilynelson
The Locked Door by Freida McFadden


*audiobook* After having several "misses" from Freida lately, I was very much expecting this one to fall under that category too. I was pleasantly surprised!

I did not see the ending coming - I was convinced I knew who the "villain" was and I was ready to complain about the predictability of it in my review. Thankfully, I was proven wrong!

I even enjoyed her extra twist at the end! I didn't see any plot holes in this story which I have in her other books so this was a solid read for me. I enjoy the past and present timeline, the constant suspense of "whodunit", and the extra twists she gives at the end!

The only complaint I would have is I did feel like this one was longer than necessary! It was an 8 hour audiobook and I think a 6 hour one would have been perfect. Sometimes, I felt like there was unnecessary "filler" information lagging the story a bit. Oh, and this narrator wasn't my favorite! I can't say why but her voice irritated me and it sounded whiny a lot.

But, overall, I enjoyed this one and I'm glad I read it!