A review by mezzosherri
This Book Is Not Good for You by Pseudonymous Bosch


PB's secret series continues to be fun here in book #3, focused on the sense of taste. However, this trip around the block was less enjoyable to me for a few reasons: 1) the deep focus on the mechanics of chocolate-making was less interesting than previous book's topics (synesthesia and homunculuses); 2) our kid-heroes' mistakes were less of the "understandable 'cos they're just kids" and more of the "these kids are too stupid to live" variety; and (most importantly) 3) PB's narratological/typographical tricks (the torn-out chapter, the invisible ink, the spiked chocolates and the extra note "scotch-taped" into the manuscript) finally crossed the line he's been dancing all series, going from "almost-but-not-quite annoying" to "yeah, it's annoying."

Here's hoping the rest of the series recaptures the fun of the first couple of books.