A review by bill_desmedt
The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast by Joel Richardson


Well researched, authoritative, and -- seriously off the wall!

Based on responses from fellow readers, I should perhaps elaborate on my reasons for reading, much less reviewing, this "hate-filled," etc. diatribe, the main goal of which is to expose Islam for what Richardson claims it to be -- namely, the key to Satan's plan for end-time world domination.

I had a problem, you see: one of the minor tropes in my new book Dualism is an end-time event known as "al Malhamah al Kubra" (literally, "the Slaughter of the Intercessor" but loosely approximated as the Islamic version of Armageddon). Trouble is, the English-language sources describing Malhamah are pretty thin on the ground. David Cook's oeuvre (Contemporary Muslim Apocalyptic Literature and Studies in Muslim Apocalyptic) is the only really substantive exception I'm aware of (help me out here, folks, if you can!). Unfortunately, Cook tends to get so wound around the hermeneutic axle that the storyline itself disappears.

So, call my reading of Richardson's tract the best of a bad bargain.