A review by lakmus
Ethics by Baruch Spinoza


1. Skip the demonstrations – chances are you won't be able to follow or to find the logical flaws (if there are any), so might just as well roll with it. In fact you can probably skip a lot of the propositions too. No one (except some tortured philosophy students) really needs to read all 9000 types of affects broken down into basic components. That's like reading somebody's pseudocode for a very clunky algorithm, really.
2. I suspect English is not the best language to translate Latin into while trying to preserve sentence structure as much as possible. If you speak any languages with more flexible grammar, try reading those translations maybe. Or may be this is just as painful to read in Latin, I am not sure.
3. Writing up philosophical treatises as a series of proofs is very good for putting together a ready-made guidebook for programming human-like AI, but apparently very bad for PR. There's some pretty interesting stuff buried in all the confusion. No wonder Spinoza never got too popular.
4. To sum up the practical conclusions, in somewhat simpler terms: Understand yourself and your shit, and you will be able to keep your shit together somewhat better. Keeping your shit together feels good in itself, so do it for that, not just the benefits it produces.