A review by kathydavie
Water Bound by Christine Feehan


and Sea Haven, 8 taking up on the day of Elle's wedding to Jackson.

Maintaining an association with the Drake Sisters through their cousin, Blythe, this group of five damaged women have pledged themselves as sisters and, together, purchased a farm just outside Sea Haven.
Water Bound begins with the youngest of the "sisters", Rikki, an autistic woman barely functioning within society...or outside for that matter. Feehan absorbs you into Rikki's pain and you can't help but love the women who are so tolerant and caring of Rikki and her problems. Makes you want to be a better person yourself.
The action and plotline in this story had me questioning if I had already read this particular novel, but, since I couldn't remember how it ended, I kept on. The surprise ending with more familial attachments has me curious as to who else will pop out of the woodwork in future "installments".