A review by smiley_kylie
Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks


I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I went into it thinking it would be a sappy dramatic romance novel. And of course it had those things, but I found it had more intrigue than that.

If I'm being perfectly honest, I actually found the portrayal of the 'bad guy' to be the most fascinating part of the story. I enjoyed being able to go along for the ride as he began to slowly unravel. His thoughts and emotions were frighteningly believable and ranged wildly from frustration to hope, pride to insecurity, and love to hate.

Before reading, I had seen some reviews that noted the detailed description of some of the things Katie did day to day. I can see how these things might be perceived as unnecessary to the story, but I actually thought these details helped to compare and contrast one way of life from another.

I think my only pain point was the piece of information Katie learned about her time with Jo. It was a little much for me... But not a deal breaker for enjoying the story.