A review by barberchicago_books
Black Boy Joy by Kwame Mbalia


Disrupted narratives.
Incredible stories: realistic, fantasy, historical, in-verse, graphic.
Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup.

I loved everything about this anthology. Each short story took me to a different place - sometimes even to a different world - with characters with whom I wanted to be friends. Each character had their own unique story to tell, yet I don’t have a “favorite” because I was riveted, wanting to get the whole plot of each story in one bite.

This book would be a great read aloud: one story a day, almost like a picture book a day. It is also is THE BEST book for Black boys to see themselves as heroes and bringers (one, literally) of joy, written by their literary heroes. A MUST ADD for all libraries.