A review by oomilyreads
Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty


Apples Never Fall written by Liane Moriarty, narrated by Caroline Lee

PUB DATE: Sept 14, 2021

“The past could look very different depending on where you stood to look at it.”

The Delaneys were once tennis champs. Power couple Joy & Stan are renown for their tennis skills & recently retired from their successful tennis school business. Their 4 grown children, Amy, Logan, Troy & Brooke were all tennis stars in their youth. The Delaneys are well-known & loved but after 50 years of marriage, there is bound to be resentment, anger, hostility & secrets to hide. The memory of events can look very different depending on who & when you are looking at it.

So, when 69-yo Joy suddenly disappears on Valentine’s Day 2020, the adult children are reluctant about reporting her missing knowing that their father will be the prime suspect. The detectives have their own suspicions, as it starts to get murky and everything is not as it appears. Last Sept, a young lady named Savannah appears at their door in the middle of the night with her face cut & bare-footed. Joy immediately takes her in. What really happened between then & now & why are the adult children trying to avoid talking about it? Savannah had become intimately involved in their lives. Their children don’t particularly like her believing she is a con-artist. We all know vulnerable gullible people like that in our lives & it can be infuriating when they won’t listen to reason. Is it possible that Joy was desperate for attention & love herself? What was their marriage really like? And where is Savannah now?

Family relationships are complex & complicated to say the least. You can love a person but also believe they may be capable of bad behavior. You can choose to stand by them no matter what or give up. This is Moriarty’s talent – her astute perceptive way of writing about human flaws, behaviors & the dynamic multiple layers of relationships.

“Amazing to think something so beautiful could lie beneath the ugliness and all you had to do was peel it away”.

Apples Never Fall is a character-driven family drama/mystery with multiple POVs from the Delaney children, Joy & Stan, the detectives & side characters who are neighbors, the hairdresser, close friends, ex-in laws, etc. As the layers of each character & their relationships unfolds, the drama intensifies. It truly was am absorbing & fascinating read that reminds me of my own family, other people’s families & relationships & realizing that everyone has their own memories of events & reasoning.

Thank you Henry hlHolt Books for sending me a physical ARC & Macmillan Audio & Librofm for gifting me an ALC!