A review by anubhaghoshal
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart


The plot is about three rich kids Cady, Johnny, Mirren with their three mothers respectively spending their summer on their grand dad's island. Yes, the grand dad owns an island rich they are! Johnny's mother brings her boyfriend and his nephew. The nephew is Gat. They are children growing up teenagers. Gat and Cady are drawn towards each other, Gat is comparatively poor and had ideal morals and influences the rest of the kids. They have a jolly good life, nice summers but one day Cady finds herself in hospital, apparently she was found without clothes, she is sure Gat would have been with her she wouldn't venture swimming alone. But other than that she has no memory of that day, no memory how she got so injured. She has an inkling something bad must have happened. She tries to reconnect with Gat, Johnny and Mirren but no response so she continues to heal but still tries puzzle the missing pieces of her memory.

I just finished this book and am so horror stricken I never expected that ending and throughout the story felt myself saying Gat, cut her a break, don't you understand the trauma? She is in pain stop saying she is privileged, get a hint man! And by the end I was like wtf!!! Whaaaat? Was I imagining or is she like wth? Like did I read all those pages wrong? How did I miss it? But I guess that's what makes a good story.