A review by themermaddie
The Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-Portrait by Carlos Fuentes, Frida Kahlo


interesting introduction, and beautifully reprinted versions of frida's diary in full colour printed on sturdy paper. i thought the analysis in the back was helpful for someone like me who went in with close to no knowledge about frida's life, although i do feel like some analyses verged on unnecessary assumptions (e.g. "she must have been in a bad mood when she painted this" or "these ink splotches illustrate her declining health bc her hands must have shook") but what do i know, i do comparative lit not art history, maybe that's how all AH books are. as someone writing an essay on this book, i would also like to say that referencing this and having to flip back and forth to find the corresponding page and analysis was hell, and don't even get me started on trying to track down one specific drawing.