A review by cherrybluedreams
Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas


I’m so mad right now. Like so so so so mad that i’m not sure i’m breathing while writing this. Fuck i REALLY SAW THE POTENTIAL, i saw it lurking somewhere in the book between the main character and the author’s writing. It didn’t delivered and i’m mad.

I could have had it all, it was all array into the perfect combination and i was loving it, up until the 23% mark. After that, a blur of Catherine’s descriptions and an unmotivated low-key unfeeling character. Not that i disliked Ines, in fact i was loving the book because of her because i saw the potential there, I saw that she had something to offer, something to say, but no, there was nothing. Nothing about her was really explained which resulted in a dispassionate mc without explanation or development. I couldn’t see the source of her pain or her personality, why she was the way she was (at some point i thought we were getting there but as soon as it appeared it was over and never fully brought up again and actually explained)

This is NOT a bad book in my opinion, but it is an okay book, and that i hate more than saying it was actually bad.
The plot is kinda lacking but i wasn’t minding at first because i was enthralled by Ines attitude, a little bit later i was falling out of love for her and i was being more self-conscious about the little plot that there was. Lemme keep it brief, i was getting bored.

In summary, this was a waste of potential and creativity and it could’ve been so much more