A review by rosetyper9
Mistral's Kiss by Laurell K. Hamilton


Wow. I'm deep in the midst of re-reading this series but there are so many things I've forgotten in the books that I keep doubting where I read up to the last time. I'll start with what I enjoyed...Mistal. Smokin hot. Sholto. I love this character. The man is a leader and yet so very flawed and sometime stupid.

I am also starting to wonder how Merry remembers her harem's names cause...I can't. She just keeps adding more and more men...eventually there won't be anyone left in court she hasn't slept with. It doesn't bother me, or them for that matter, just an observation. I'm intrigued where this series is going because I read the back of the newest book and some things bode poorly for the soon to be situations. Oh well...we shall see.

What I didn't like...I think Merry was naked for this entire book. Oh, no, she had a coat on at the end, but otherwise...naked...Just doesn't seem feasible but then again *shrug* it's Merry and after reading 5 books in a row I'm starting to get used to her.