A review by jbarr5
September by Audrey Carlan


Calendar girl. Volumes 1-4 by Carlan_ Audrey
12 month books by the same author
Calendar girl: Mia wants to get in, make her money and get out problem is she has to keep her heart out of it.
She rides a bike and will explore the escort service after being a waitress on the Vegas strip. Her aunt will help her as it's her brother that is hospitalized from not paying back the loan sharks.
Her job for the next month is with Wes, in CA and she has her own room and wardrobe and lots of events they will attend. She just has to keep her heart to herself...she takes on other jobs to make more money...
Like very descriptive details of dress, jewelry and places they go-ultra rich. Erotic steamy sex scenes and some vulgar language that goes along with the story line.
Each volume containing 3 books of months of the year is included. Sex is all the same just with different men.
Baseball player, artist, swimsuit designer, locations: Boston, Seattle, CA, Hawaii, NY and all its locations.
Fire night dancing sounds so cool! Meaningful part of this for me was 'Family'. Really liked 'where are they now'
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).