A review by meggiecole
This Time Is Different by Mae Wood


I am not good with words so I'll get right to the point. You NEED to read this book. This Time is Different is such a feed good, heart felt, love story with simmering heat. There is no drama - only real life situations. I felt so many emotions while reading this book but mainly just happiness. I smiled through 90% of the book. Truly smiled while I read. I also cried. I have NEVER cried while reading a book before - not because there was sadness - but because there was emotion. Emotions that I've lived through and could relate to.

This may be the most real book I've ever read. Amy and Thomas are people I can picture in real life. I see myself in their kids. I see my parents in them. I see my friends in their friends.

If you've read Plus One by Mae - this is the perfect follow up. Getting to see Bert again and the other side to their divorce was wonderful. Getting to read about Grady again and also a glimpse at Trip and Marissa.

Get this book. You will not be disappointed - I promise.