A review by jazmin
Bloodmarked by Tracy Deonn


As expected, Bloodmarked was AMAZING. I went into this pretty much knowing that it would be great and that it wouldn’t fall into the second book trap because of all the reviews and comments I’ve read (the one benefit of picking this up so late lol) and let me just say, all of those people were absolutely justified in what they said.

Don’t get me wrong, this still felt like the second book in a series in a way, because you could tell that a lot of things were being set up for whatever happens next, but it never felt boring or like the story was lagging, which absolutely reflects Tray Deonn’s incredible storytelling.

Well, what can I say about this? I loved Bree, I loved her journey, and I loved how both her strengths and weaknesses were so tied to her ancestors and her identity. She’s just such a great protagonist. And just like in Legendborn, the exploration of grief was so poignant and perfectly integrated into the story, even more so, really. I still get goosebumps thinking of the scenes with Bree’s ancestors, and the discussions of how Bree came to be Arthur’s descendant. And every scene at Volition… WOW.

I will say that there were some elements of Legendborn that I missed… the academic setting, the characters interactions that we got because they weren’t always stressed and running away from things…. LOL but that’s completely to be expected in a fantasy book so I won’t complain too much.

Finally, THAT ENDING wowow so much happened in those last pages! Obviously so excited to see how things continue.


✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

my carrd ❦