A review by cyrille6k
The Day Before by Micol Ostow


This prequel novel dives into the secrets lurking beneath the seemingly idyllic town of Riverdale.  As a huge fan of the TV series, I was thrilled to revisit Riverdale and its captivating characters.

The story unfolds the day before the show's pilot episode.  While people who have seen the show already know the basic events, the book offers a unique perspective: a glimpse into the characters' minds and lives before everything explodes. 

Veronica enjoys the high life in New York City, blissfully unaware of the impending upheaval.

Betty, seeking independence, interns for a magazine in Los Angeles, trying to move on from her feelings for Archie.

Archie's secret relationship adds an unexpected twist, while Jughead, my personal favorite, grapples with family issues, distance from Archie, and his general disdain for people. 

Interspersed throughout the chapters are snippets of emails, letters, and posters, adding an extra layer of intrigue.

Overall, a fun and engaging read that deepens the Riverdale experience!