A review by briarfairchild
Quantum: Einstein, Bohr and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality by Manjit Kumar


As a complete non-scientist (GCSE and A-Level Biology is all I have) I found this book very hard work but absolutely fascinating. I did have the advantage of two physicists in the family to explain various concepts to me - for example, I didn't know what a constant was, or a blackbody. Also, I found that occasionally there wasn't enough detail - he didn't explain how Bell came to his conclusion and I don't like just taking things on trust, so had to go and find out.

But on the whole, I found it quite entrancing. I enjoyed reading the history of quantum theory and seeing how it developed from a very simple concept and was gradually built on by different people until it became the madly complicated thing it is today. I have fallen in love with quantum physics!