A review by cgreaderbee
The Wyrm King by Tony DiTerlizzi, Holly Black


The end of Spiderwick!
Memorable little characters encapsulated in enchanting stories that embody a sense of magic and adventure.

Thoughts during this novel:
- Nick could be quite the Debbie-downer.
- But I'm still proud of him.
- Laurie didn't really do anything?
- I have no idea their respective ages, but I am Team Jules&Mallory (sorry Cindy).
- How was there some crazy natural disaster event happening and these kids parents were cool with them being out and about unsupervised and unaccounted for?
- How the f are they gonna fix Florida now?

While these books had a different approach and vibe than the original series, and although I liked the original series and characters a bit better, I am glad to have read both. It shows that no matter the person or circumstance, magic and adventure lie in wait for those who search for and seize them. Creating these extra books helped to solidify the author(s) message, which is summarized nicely in this last quote:

"New stories need an author and
They'll need a hero, too.
So hone your senses, stay alert -
These tasks might fall to you.

Please keep a pen with you to write.
A pad, a brush, and ink.
Because your faerie tale just might
Than you think. "