A review by abalvarez
Good-Bye, Boise... Hello, Alaska by Cora Holmes


In my research of all things cold and colder for a series I am working on, I was recommended Cora Holmes' book, [b:Good - bye, Boise...Hello, Alaska|13065989|Good - bye, Boise...Hello, Alaska|Cora Holmes|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1387704757l/13065989._SY75_.jpg|739240], about her life on Chernofski Ranch on Unalaska Island which is one of the islands that comprise the Aleutian islands. While I read the book in the hope of reading up on the disastrous weather conditions in the area (there are no disastrous weather conditions, at least not on Unalaska Island, much to the consternation of my research) the story of Ms. Holmes and her family was quite interesting to read and very heartwarming. The book takes place over a few years starting in 1979 when she arrives with her 2 boys to accept a position at the ranch where Ms. Holmes decided to move her 2 boys out of Boise, Idaho. She worked at a hospital in neonatal intensive care and traded her medical career to give her boys a better life.
There isn't anything to give away. It is a book that describes her joys, her sorrows, her marriage, her 2 boys, and what her life transformed into when she left urban life behind and went full-bore native in a tiny corner of the world making a difference every day for her family and the crews of the boats that stop by at irregular intervals to get food and drop off mail.
A nice book. It might remind you why a simpler life can sometimes feel so appealing even knowing the amount of work that simpler life entails. Thank you for the memories, Ms. Holmes.